Wednesday, September 3, 2008

HYRTN: September 3rd, 2008

Welcome to the September 3rd edition of Have You RED The News? I still haven't quite gotten things where I want them and I've been very busy lately, so this will be an abbreviated edition.

1. New buttons on the convention floor


"Two new buttons have appeared on the floor:

One says "Super Huck" and has a picture of former GOP presidential candidate Mike Huckabee dressed as superman.

The other is a toast to Sarah Palin - it's a white button with a big pink heart surrounding her name.

UPDATE: Another new button spoted:

"The hottest VP from the coolest state"

Gee, Goppers, way to totally commodify your horrible candidate picks. The only thing "Super" about Mike Huckabee is that he's "Super" Annoying. His powers include appealing to morons, attempting to Christianize the nation, and trading blows with Mitt "Perpetual Greasy Hair" Romney.

And Sarah Palin? More like Sarah FAILING TO GARNER GOPPER SUPPORT. I'm definitely loving how she's created a complete "WTF moment" for Goppers everywhere. The only thing pink is going to be her and McCain's faces during the concession speech. And you wanna talk hot? How about how everyone is fuming over McCain's little "uh oh" pick? I can't speak for how cool Alaska is, but come on, look how far away it is from everyone else. It's like the weird kid in grade school who would always sit at his own table at lunch. Can't Canada just take Alaska off our hands already?

Why do people even bother to make these things? Isn't it obvious by now that America wants more than empty promises and political trickery? We want Change. We want Hope. And I think we all know who we really want for president.

(By the way, it's Obama, in case you've already forgotten.)


crallspace said...

YEah, I watched the convention tonight and listened on radio. It was rather silly.

Oceanus Quinn said...

My condolences, brave soul. I could not bear having to sit through listening to the Goppers congratulate each other a job well done... NOT.

Perhaps I shall muster up the courage to watch the highlights from this year's "Ridiculously Not Cool" convention.