Wednesday, September 10, 2008

HYRTN: September 10th, 2008

New edition every Mon-Fri at around 9pm PST

Have You RED The News? for September 10th, 2008:

1. Obama slams GOP on community organizer comments

obama supporter Pictures, Images and Photos

"WASHINGTON (CNN) – Barack Obama criticized his Republican presidential opponent, Senator John McCain, for not standing firm in his support for immigration reform in the face of opposition from his own party.

“I know Senator McCain used to buck his party by fighting for comprehensive reform – and I admired him for it. But when he was running for his party’s nomination, he abandoned his stance, and said he wouldn’t even support his own legislation if it came up for a vote,” Obama told members of the Congressional Hispanic Caucus Institute gathered in Washington.

“When it came time to write his party’s platform, comprehensive reform never made it in. So you’ve got to ask yourself: if Senator McCain won’t stand up to opponents of reform at his own convention, how can you trust him to stand up for change in Washington?”

McCain’s support for comprehensive immigration reform nearly killed his candidacy in 2007 and he later came out in favor of greater emphasis on securing the nation’s borders in any future legislation. Now, however, he references his fight for reform as a mark of his maverick credentials.

Obama also defended his role as a community organizer, something that was mocked by several speakers at the Republican Party convention, including vice presidential nominee Sarah Palin."

“I was pretty surprised when I heard our opponents making fun of that work last week at their convention – mocking what so many Americans do every day in church groups and unions and the PTA to serve struggling communities. Frankly, I don’t think it’s particularly funny that people are losing their jobs and their homes,” he said."

Obama has once again managed to rise above the wreck that is the Gopper presidential campaign and keep with him the virtues of honesty, integrity, and action. I commend this visionary man for his courage and agree completely with his sentiments regarding community organizers. These people work their butts off for pennies a day, fighting the evil corporations day in and day out. Obama was one such person, but now he's moved on to bigger and better things, and I hope everyone realizes the sacrifices he's made to get where he is today.

While McCan't fails time and time again to get his facts straight, Obama's message of Hope shines through the lies and ignorance. This is turning out to be an exciting election indeed!

2. McCain-Palin ticket featured in Alabama Republican's ad

palin mccain ad Pictures, Images and Photos

"(CNN) – In yet another sign of Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin’s popularity with the conservative base of the Republican Party, Jay Love, the Republican candidate for Alabama’s 2nd Congressional District, has released a new ad that features the governor along with Sen. John McCain.

In the 30-second spot, entitled “Differences,” Palin and McCain are juxtaposed against House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, who Love refers to as a “San Francisco liberal” in the ad.

“There are real differences in this campaign,” Love says looking directly into the camera. “I’m supporting pro-lifers John McCain and Sarah Palin,” he says as an image of the GOP ticket appears on screen. “My opponent isn’t,” Love says as images of Sen. Barack Obama and Bobby Bright, Love’s Democratic opponent, appear.

“I’ll never sell out to the liberals,” Love says as the spot ends. “I’m the only one who will stand up to for our conservative values in Washington when it really counts.”

Since the announcement of her selection as McCain’s VP pick, Palin has galvanized and energized conservatives behind McCain’s candidacy. Love is the first congressional candidate to use Palin in an ad, according to a press release issued by Love’s campaign Wednesday."

You know, "Love" isn't really an apt name for this guy, because I already hate his guts! Ugh, it's so typical of Goppers to completely ignore the issues and just go ahead and blindly glorify their idiot kings and queens. McCan't and Failin run on a truly horrid platform, but no one seems to be paying attention to that! All the Goppers care about is flashy catch phrases like "barracuda" and "mavericks." If you knocked on their campaign it would be completely hollow. When stuff like this can fool the people, we truly live in a time built more around image than substance. Tis such a shame.

Oh, and by the way love, you'll never sell out to liberals because you've already given your dignity to the Goppers! You have nothing left to give the people except for ignorance and lies!

But I guess you don't want to hear from a "Sacramento Liberal." How about a "Sacramento Commie"? Does that boil your blood, Congressman HATE? He he he...

3. Damon rips Palin, calls her 'terrifying'

damon Pictures, Images and Photos

"(CNN) – Admirers say Sarah Palin's compelling narrative and working-mom credentials helped land her a spot on the Republican presidential ticket, but Hollywood star and Obama supporter Matt Damon said Monday the Alaska governor's story more resembles a "really bad Disney movie."

In a blunt interview with the Associated Press, the star of the Jason Bourne film series also said there was a good chance John McCain would die in his first term in office and the thought of a President Palin is "terrifying."

“It’s like a really bad Disney movie — the hockey mom…from Alaska, and she’s the president, and it’s like she’s facing down Vladimir Putin and using the folksy stuff she learned at the hockey rink. And it’s absurd, it’s totally absurd, and I don't understand why people aren’t talking about how absurd it is," Damon said.

"You do the actuary tables, there's a 1-3 chance if not more, that McCain doesn't survive his first term and it will be President Palin," Damon also said, adding later "I think there's a really good chance Sarah Palin could be president, and I think that's a really scary thing, because I don't know anything about her, and I don't think in eight weeks I am going to know anything about her.”"

Amen, Damon. I couldn't agree more with your astute observation about McCan't's poor health. Let's face it people: the man's old! There's a good chance he wouldn't be able to serve his full term, in which case Failin would take his place! You know, I rarely complement a Gopper, but I will say that McCan't is a hell of a lot more qualified that Failin at, well, pretty much everything. The idea of her reigning over the country is sickening. I'd rather have a pig in lipstick! Hell, I'd rather have McCan't! You know something's wrong when I start saying something like that!

Matt Damon is no ignoramus either. He's starred in a lot of films about government conspiracies so he knows how our country works. Of course no one of any real intelligence will be able to see past his handsome face, but for those of us with dignified minds, Damon's words shed a whole lot of truth, and that's just what the doctor ordered. And McCan't is one sick Gopper!

4. Cohen: Jesus was a community organizer

jesus obama Pictures, Images and Photos

"(CNN) –Barack Obama was again compared to Jesus Wednesday, but this time not by Republicans claiming the Illinois senator has an inflated view of himself.

Speaking on the House floor, Tennessee Rep. Steve Cohen sought to defend recent attacks over Obama's stint as a community organizer by picking up a recent blogger refrain, that "Barack Obama was a community organizer like Jesus."

The comments come days after that part of Obama's resume was belittled at the Republican convention by both former New York Mayor Rudy Giuliani and VP candidate Sarah Palin.

"He worked as a community organizer," Giuliani said last week as the convention crowd erupted in laughter. "Ok, maybe this is the first problem on the resume."

"I guess a small-town mayor is sort of like a ‘community organizer,’ except that you have actual responsibilities," Palin then said the night after Giuliani spoke."

Okay, before I begin, let's get one thing straight: I'm an atheist. I don't believe in God. I find the idea of a higher being to be quite foolish, and religion to be really just a means of controlling the masses. Yeah, no one controls me. I decide what to believe in, not some high and mighty religious figure. I'd highly recommend anyone who is interested in the wonders of atheism to check out Richard Dawkins' book The God Delusion. It really opened my eyes to the ignorance of the world and strengthened my faith (or lack thereof, hehe!) more than I could have ever imagined. Along with Barack Obama, Dawkins is a true visionary with a lot of great wisdom about the world in which we all live. He has certainly helped me find intellectual freedom and I hope that he does the same for you.

Okay, now that all that's out of the way: I don't find the comparison between Obama and Jesus inappropriate at all. Both gave to their communities, were visionaries, and generally all around good people. Of course, I don't believe that either were the son of God (or that God even exists!), but I can appreciate the fact that both are great historical figures who have shaped the world around them. Of course, Jesus ended up creating one of the worst things in the world, Christianity, so I suppose Obama is better than him in that respect. And Obama also believes in reality instead of fantasy. And he doesn't have messy hair either.

You know what? I'm gonna say it and I don't care who I'm offending: Obama is better than Jesus.

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