Thursday, September 11, 2008

HYRTN: September 11, 2008

New edition every Mon-Fri at around 9pm PST

Have You RED The News? for September 11th, 2008:

1. Former GOP senator calls Palin a 'cocky wacko'


"(CNN) – Former Rhode Island Sen. Lincoln Chafee was known for keeping a low-key profile on Capitol Hill, but the Republican -turned -Independent is making waves with his exceedingly blunt comments on newly-minted Republican VP candidate Sarah Palin:

She's a "cocky wacko," he told a Washington think tank earlier this week.

WATCH: Chafee make the remarks

Chafee, the lone Senate Republican to vote against the Iraq war who endorsed Obama's White House bid earlier this year, told an audience at the New America Foundation in Washington Tuesday that Palin's selection has energized Obama backers.

"People were coming into my office, phone calls were flooding in, e-mails were coming in, 'I just sent money to Obama, I couldn't sleep last night' — from the left. To see this cocky wacko up there," he said.

He also described McCain's candidacy as "lackluster” and described the selection of Palin as a throwing "this firestorm, this tornado, into the whole presidential election.""

I've called Sarah Failin a lot of things, but I have never called her a "cocky wacko." And you know, the more I think about it, the more I find Chafee's nickname for her as apt as ever. After all, this a woman who sees herself as an animal in lipstick and has no problem with disparaging the work of the visionary Barack Obama so that she can tout her modest (and I'm being as polite as possible here) political experience. So there you go, cocky, and a wacko.

Chafee sums up rather succinctly the problem with McCan't's campaign - it's being run by the wrong people. Of course, to me, any Gopper is "the wrong people," but even I can admit there are shades of wrongness. Failin and McCan't are probably the worst contenders for the White House in this country's history. One's too old, the other's too crazy, put 'em together and you can kiss the tenants of democracy, freedom, and common sense goodbye.

Sarah, dear: keep on Failin... the sanity test. Hehe.

2. Palin says she didn't hesitate to take VP slot

palin accepts

"(CNN) — Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin says she "didn't blink" when Sen. John McCain offered her the Republican vice presidential nomination and is confident she could handle the duties of president if necessary.

"I answered him yes, because I have the confidence in that readiness and knowing that you can't blink," Palin told ABC News in her first interview since accepting the No. 2 slot on the GOP ticket.

"You have to be wired in a way of being so committed to the mission, the mission that we're on — reform of this country and victory in the war. You can't blink. So I didn't blink then even when asked to run as his running mate," she said."

Coincidentally, America will be ruined with the "blink" of an eye if this nutjob ever made it into the White House. Of course, someone as greedy and arrogant as Sarah Palin would have no problem accepting a post of power, even when she didn't know what a Vice President's job was back in July. Guess she read through "The Idiot's Guide to Vice Presidency" in record time (for her at least) and now she's ready to help lead America... right off a cliff.

Failin is wired all right, on crazy pills. And she's definitely committed ... to ruining this country even more than the last jerk did.

With McCan't's health, it's not unfathomable to see her as the new #1 if the Goppers somehow manage to pull off a miracle (more like a lie-racle, he he he...) and win the election. Now that's a scary thought, isn't it?

3. McCain, Obama joint appearance planned last week

mccain obama ground zero

"(CNN) — The idea of a joint September 11 visit to Ground Zero by both John McCain and Barack Obama was in the works for less than a week, according to both campaigns.

Obama suggested the idea to McCain Friday afternoon when the Democratic presidential nominee called his Republican counterpart Friday, the day after the GOP convention ended, to congratulate him on his convention speech.

"[Obama] called after the convention speech, and over the course of the
discussion they mutually agreed to meet jointly in New York," said McCain spokesman Tucker Bounds.

The two men went to Ground Zero Thursday, entering the site together. Both candidates exchanged brief remarks and spoke with some of those on hand for the commemoration"

Gee, it figures that Barack Obama would come up with such a selfless and courageous idea - one that crosses party lines - only for McCan't to exploit for another measly photo op. This is pretty shameless, Goppers. I mean, I could understand if it were Guliani running, but McCan't showing up is nothing more than an attempt to show that he cares at least as much as Obama. Oh yeah, McCan't? If you really cared about the American people you would have came up with the idea yourself. Check and mate, Johnny boy.

4. Rove to Obama: Attacking Palin is dumb


"(CNN) – Karl Rove is again offering unsolicited advice to Barack Obama, this time advising the Democratic presidential nominee to avoid attacking Sarah Palin directly if he hopes to win the White House in November.

“It's a match-up he'll lose," Rove writes Thursday in his regular Wall Street Journal column. "If Mr. Obama wants to win, he needs to remember he's running against John McCain for president, not Mrs. Palin for vice president."

Rove notes past attempts by Democratic presidential nominees to attack the No. 2 on the GOP ticket have largely fell flat, and says the issues Obama is hitting Palin on are ones the Illinois senator is weak on himself.

"If Mr. Obama keeps attacking Mrs. Palin, he could suffer the fate of his Democratic predecessors. These assaults highlight his own tissue-thin résumé, waste precious time better spent reassuring voters he is up for the job, and diminish him — not her," Rove writes.

Specifically, Rove says it is not in Obama's interest to attack the Alaska governor on her lack of experience or the earmarks she has requested — two issues, Rove says, on which voters may also question Obama's record."

Oh boy, Karl "Crybaby" Rove is at it again, this time giving Obama "advice" about how to run his own election. Earth to Rove: no one cares what you think, not even the corporate pigs at FAUX NEWS who hired you to spout lies to the people (they were impressed by your work in the White House!). You know what's really dumb, Karl? You. You're dumb. And stupid too.

Obama knows that he's running against McCan't. He also knows that the media, specifically your FAUX NEWS, Rove, is putting all this attention on Palin and how she's just so much better than Obama in every possible way. The man has a right to defend his honor. I guess honor an archaic concept to a neo-con Gopper like yourself, Rove, but some people do still have it, and if anyone does it's Barack Obama.

You wanna know what's tissue-thin? My patience for you, Karl Drove (me insane a long time ago with his ignorance and hypocrisy!).


Anonymous said...

Wow, I just have to say wow. This is an AMAZING blog, and it's very eye-opening! It's really a pleasure to read the words of a fellow enlightened member of a select club I like to call the literati. Keep on fighting the good fight, and showing Bu$h who's really boss, and who's taking this country back!

Julia Riber Pitt said...

Hahahaha! Palin sucks and reading about her (especially from a leftist viewpoint) is quite entertaining. Though I'm pretty fearful. What if the GOP hijacks this election and we're stuck with her and McCain for at least four years? That would suck.

Oceanus Quinn said...

Julia, you are right to be concerned as the Goppers are well known for their cheap election tricks. However, you should not be fearful, as I am confident in Barack Obama's ability to break America free of the bonds of ignorance and lead this nation into a new era of Change and Hope. Be strong, comrade!