I'm hoping that my insights will inspire you to watch the news for yourself, because there truly is nothing more intellectually stimulating (besides reading Marx) than sitting down after a long hard day, turning on CNN, and letting the information flow into your brain. Some of the smartest people in the world watch the news - from Larry King to Barack Obama to Seth Macfarlane (he's the creator of Family Guy and American Dad). You can join their ranks, just as I have; just put in a little effort every day. I guarantee that watching the news is a hell of a lot better than watching crap like The Hills.
1. Thompson Skewers Obama
"ST PAUL (CNN) – Barack Obama is wholly untested and unprepared to be president, former Republican presidential candidate Fred Thompson said Tuesday — the most pointed criticisms yet of the Democratic presidential nominee delivered at the scaled-back GOP convention.
"Democrats present a history making nominee for president," Thompson told the cheering crowd. "History making in that he is the most liberal, most inexperienced nominee to ever run for president.
"Apparently they believe that he would match up well with the history making, Democrat controlled Congress," he continued in the prime-time speech. "History making because it's the least accomplished and most unpopular Congress in our nation's history."
Thompson, who abandoned his own presidential bid after poor showings in the first round of primaries early this year, also criticized the Illinois senator for comments at a recent faith forum during which he declined to say when he believed human life began.
"We need a president who doesn't think that the protection of the unborn or a newly born baby is above his pay grade," Thompson said in what was a clear reference to Obama's comments at a forum sponsored by Rick Warren last month.
Thompson faced criticism during his own presidential run when a YouTube clip of a 1994 Senate debate showed Thompson declaring, "The ultimate decision on abortion should be left with the woman and not the government."
It was also revealed Thompson once lobbied for an abortion-rights group."
Ouch. Can you say "busted"? I can in several different languages. Once again Fred "Didn't Win the Nomination" Thompson is attempting to appeal to his republican superiors by openly ripping on Barack Obama, one of the most effective, charismatic, and brave leaders in global history. What's this guy's deal anyway? First he says he supports abortion, and now he's criticizing Obama for doing the same? That, ladies and gentlemen, is the definition of a flip-flopper, which is something I thought only Democrats were capable of doing... NOT.
Thompson has no right to make such malicious remarks about Obama. Where does he get off calling him "the most inexperienced nominee to ever run for president"? Oh, so Obama hasn't spent his entire life in bed with private interests groups like so many other corrupt politicians. I guess you could call that "inexperienced." I call it "pure." This is just the kind of guy we need in the White House to really shake things up, and Thompson, just like every other Gopper is trying to taint the man's image. This just makes me sick.
What's even worse is that he's calling this Congress "the least accomplished and most unpopular Congress in our nation's history." Yeah, Congress has had a rough two years, and you know why? Because of Boo Dollar Sign H and his cronies keeping the honest Senators and Congressmen down. They're the ones who are always vetoing all those great bills and preventing anything from getting through. I'm sure Thompson has had a part in this too, and now he has the nerve to complain about his own dirty work? What's next, Thompson? Are you going to claim that the Democrats are an ineffective party because they've been out of the White House for the past eight years? Ball's in your court, Freddy.
2. For the GOP, Bush’s speech is mercifully short
"ST. PAUL, Minnesota (CNN) — For the Republicans, Bush’s speech was mercifully short. There was no opportunity for McCain and Bush to raise arms and give the Democrats another photo-op. And still no mention of the economy.
Memories of campaigns past: The camera just caught the first President Bush looking at his watch, just as he famously did during a presidential debate in 1992.
On to some pleasant memories for the crowd here: No Republican convention is complete without a Ronald Reagan ceremony of some kind, just as no Democratic convention is complete without a Kennedy ceremony. For the Republicans, 1980 is Year 1: the date history truly began."
Finally, someone else has the guts to criticize our "oh so infallible" leader. I couldn't agree more with Schneider. I didn't actually watch the speech - I've given up on listening to the lies that man has been telling us - but just look at the freakin' photo! Looks like the supplicants have gathered round "Big Busher" yet again, feeding off his lies and ignorance.
I wasn't surprised at all that the convention had a tribute to Reagan. After all, the Republicans have pretty much transformed the guy into a damn religious prophet (you'd think they'd be fine with just Jesus!). Of course they can all just conveniently forget all the horrible things the man has done for the countr - their fanaticism for an ordinary man is truly astounding. Last time I checked, politics wasn't about a pretty face (and I will give Reagan that - he was a damn handsome man) - it's about political action. When will these Goppers realize their own blasphemy and open their eyes to the travesty this man had brought to our economy? I'd sure like to "tear down the wall" of lies that the GOP has set up for itself.
3. RNC co-chair mistakes name of McCain's running mate
"ST. PAUL, Minnesota (CNN) – Republican National Committee co-chair Jo
Ann Davidson mistakenly referred to the party's presumptive vice-presidential candidate, Sarah Palin, as "Sarah Pawlenty" at the Republican National Convention Tuesday.
Palin, the governor of Alaska, was a surprise choice to join Sen. John McCain on the Republican ticket. Minnesota Gov. Tim Pawlenty had been considered one of the front-runners for the slot."
You can't make this stuff up, people! A true to life co-chair for the Republican National Committee doesn't even think that Palin is McCain's running mate - further proof that the two of them are going to get slammed by Hope come this November. You know, I kind of wish Governor Pawlenty was McCain's pick; at least then the competition would have seemed more interesting. I wonder what caused the slip of the tongue? I wouldn't be surprised if a "typo" in the teleprompter was the culprit. Afterall, Goppers love to regurgitate other people's words so much that most of them probably don't have an original thought left in their body. 'Tis truly a shame.
4. Palin is missed at party for abortion opponents
"ST. PAUL, Minnesota (CNN) – Sarah Palin had been scheduled to receive an award from the Republican National Coalition for Life on Tuesday to celebrate her opposition to abortion rights, but pulled out of the event last night, presumably to work on her vice presidential nomination speech.
Though many of the Republicans sipping wine and beer at the "Life of the Party" event knew that Palin's plans had changed, others were surprised and disappointed by the news.
Robert and Cam Carlson of Fairbanks, Alaska, each sporting red "Palin '06″ buttons from her gubernatorial race, understood Palin's last-minute cancellation.
"She's got a higher calling now," Robert said, referring to her much anticipated appearance at the convention on Wednesday night. The couple called to mind how they had shuttled Palin around Fairbanks in their car during the 2006 race, and gushed about her authenticity and down-to-earth demeanor.
Another anti-abortion advocate, Morton Blackwell of Arlington, Virginia, was asked if he was upset Palin couldn't make it.
"Yeah, but clearly she is working on the speech, its extremely important," he said. "I understand it. I'm not happy about it. They should have walked her in and out and let her wave and leave without talking."
Conservative activist Phyllis Schlafley, founder of the Republican National Coalition for Life, told the audience she was "very disappointed" Palin had to cancel. But she nevertheless commended the new running mate for energizing the party's grassroots.
"It is so exciting the way Sarah Palin has invigorated the Republican Party," Schlafley said. "All those people who were holding back and not sure, they're all excited to go to work and elect the McCain-Palin ticket this year."
Conservative radio host Laura Ingraham filled in for Palin."
Woah there, Palin, slow down! You aren't even vice president yet (HAH! Yeah, right.) and you're already flaking out on commitments? I hope you Goppers are happy with your candidate; she couldn't even take time out of her oh so busy schedule (Need I remind you that only a few months ago she didn't even know what a vice president did! You mean to tell me now all of a sudden she's "busy"? Not buying it, Goppers) to accept an award for setting back the Woman's Rights Movement by over two hundred years. Ever heard of a little thing called overpopulation? If America's breeders keep having children it won't be long before the little Goppers drain our national resources dry. Imagine walking through the desolate cold streets of a once noble metropolis, with discarded Gerber's cans and used diapers strewn across the sidewalk. Kinda makes you think about having a "bundle of joy" for yourself, doesn't it?
And of course let's not forget that Palin's daughter had sex out of wedlock and none of the Goppers are complaining about that. I guess they only care about "family values" when it's convenient for their cause. These "Fair Weather Fundies" are the worst - if you're going to have horrible opinions then at least be consistent. I can't stand people who aren't passionate about their beliefs.
Well, that's about it for now. Join me next time as I continue to critically engage the news stories that matter most.
I don't find CNN to be commie-friendly or anything of the sort. They aren't even the lefty alternative to the Fox Noise Channel.
The mainstream press can't be trusted... thank God for the internet and community/public radio.
ISn't it funny how Reagan, not Bush, is the iconoclastic Republican?
I happen to admire a lot of the work that's done over at CNN; they just seem to "get" what's going on with the world and they report on the issues that FAUX NEWS and other government mouthpieces would probably just ignore.
That said I do think that the internet is a great place to turn to for news, especially blogs like this one because they offer such raw and unfiltered views.
And yes, it is humorous to that the Goppers choose to represent themselves with a dead white guy. Really explains their constituency, doesn't it?
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