Saturday, September 13, 2008

HYRTN: September 13th, 2008

New edition every Mon-Fri at around 9pm PST

Have You RED The News? for September 13th, 2008 - SPECIAL WEEKEND EDITION!:

1. McCain stem cell ad doesn't mention Palin's opposition

palin stemcell

"WASILLA, Alaska (CNN) – Sarah Palin is putting her opposition to stem cell research on the back burner for the sake of the Republican ticket.

John McCain's campaign released a radio ad Friday that calls he and Palin "mavericks" who will, if elected, back stem cell research "to help free families from the fear and devastation of illness."

"Medical breakthroughs to help you get better, faster," says the radio ad, which according to the campaign is running in key battleground states. "Change is coming. McCain, Palin and congressional allies. The leadership and experience to really change Washington and improve your health."

McCain and his campaign have said the senator supports research that uses stem cells, including the embyronic variety. But Palin does not."

Unbelievable. Even a fundamentalist nutjob like Failin is willing to put her values in the toilet just to appease to voters. Appalling. That McCan't is using the "maverick" moniker to explain his support for stem cell research is even worse. There are plenty of people that have supported stem cell research before you decided it should be your latest campaign talking point, John. They're called "smart people" and I know you must have come across a few before surrounding yourself in the Gopper Sea.

We need leaders who won't sacrifice their values for votes. Barack Obama and Joe Biden are just such leaders.

I can just imagine Failin squirming like a gummi worm every time McCan't mentions this. It's too late to repent now, Failin, you've sold your soul to the Gopper estate!

2. Ike winds don't cool tone on the trail, as Obama blasts McCain

obama criticizes

"MANCHESTER, New Hampshire (CNN) – In a shift from the apolitical tone the presidential candidates took during Hurricane Gustav, Barack Obama did not temper his rhetoric Saturday, as his spokesman accused John McCain of “cynically running the sleaziest and least honorable campaign in modern presidential campaign history.”

“John McCain wants to have a debate about national security let’s have that debate. I warned that going into Iraq would distract us from Afghanistan. John McCain cheer-leaded for it. John McCain was wrong and I was right,” Obama told a screaming New Hampshire crowd.

“The McCain-Palin ticket, they don’t want to debate the Obama-Biden ticket on issues because they are running on eight more years of what we’ve just seen. And they know it,” Obama said. “As a consequence what they’re going to spend the next seven, eight weeks doing is trying to distract you.

“They’re going to talk about pigs and they’re going to talk about lipstick, they’re going to talk about Paris Hilton, they’re going to talk about Britney Spears. They will try to distort my record and they will try to undermine your trust in what the Democrats intend to do.”

Asked why the campaign responded differently than it did around hurricane Gustav, Obama Senior Strategist David Axelrod said,“We have enormous concern for people down there … that’s why we canceled “Saturday Night Live” … but these people also came out because they’re really concerned about the future of the country and he [Obama]wanted to talk about those issues.”

The McCain campaign criticized Obama for showing “zero restraint” given the storm and said “today’s attacks mark a new low from Barack Obama.”"

Woot! Obama swings and it's a homer!

Couldn't agree more with his insightful observations about the decrepitude of the McCan't-Failin ticket. Don't the brainless Gopper followers realize that McCan't is just trying to appeal to their emotions with empty promises and rhetoric so that they vote for him and he can remove the facade of "Change" and bring about eight more years of Big Busher-like reign? Of course they can't - they're brainless.

I'm sick and tired of politicians like McCan't and Failin distorting the truth and sacrificing their virtues for the votes of idiots. These "mavericks" are certainly changing something, and it's the standards of a political campaign - they've lowered those standards to ground-zero. Why can't they be like Barack Obama, who has remained honest, dignified, and courteous throughout the entire election. I guess those qualities just aren't in the Gopper playbook, sheesh.

Open your eyes, people! These politicians just want your vote! They'll claim they're representing you but it's all a facade! Pay attention for once in your complacent lives! There is so much to be angry about! Rargh!

Well, that's all for this abbreviated weekend edition of HYRTN. Stay tuned in to ARWAY:OPOC for an amazing new feature, coming soon!

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