Tuesday, September 16, 2008


Well folks, I'm off for the week to enjoy the rest of my summer break. The Pissed Off Commie will resume the fight next Monday!

Saturday, September 13, 2008

HYRTN: September 13th, 2008

New edition every Mon-Fri at around 9pm PST

Have You RED The News? for September 13th, 2008 - SPECIAL WEEKEND EDITION!:

1. McCain stem cell ad doesn't mention Palin's opposition

palin stemcell

"WASILLA, Alaska (CNN) – Sarah Palin is putting her opposition to stem cell research on the back burner for the sake of the Republican ticket.

John McCain's campaign released a radio ad Friday that calls he and Palin "mavericks" who will, if elected, back stem cell research "to help free families from the fear and devastation of illness."

"Medical breakthroughs to help you get better, faster," says the radio ad, which according to the campaign is running in key battleground states. "Change is coming. McCain, Palin and congressional allies. The leadership and experience to really change Washington and improve your health."

McCain and his campaign have said the senator supports research that uses stem cells, including the embyronic variety. But Palin does not."

Unbelievable. Even a fundamentalist nutjob like Failin is willing to put her values in the toilet just to appease to voters. Appalling. That McCan't is using the "maverick" moniker to explain his support for stem cell research is even worse. There are plenty of people that have supported stem cell research before you decided it should be your latest campaign talking point, John. They're called "smart people" and I know you must have come across a few before surrounding yourself in the Gopper Sea.

We need leaders who won't sacrifice their values for votes. Barack Obama and Joe Biden are just such leaders.

I can just imagine Failin squirming like a gummi worm every time McCan't mentions this. It's too late to repent now, Failin, you've sold your soul to the Gopper estate!

2. Ike winds don't cool tone on the trail, as Obama blasts McCain

obama criticizes

"MANCHESTER, New Hampshire (CNN) – In a shift from the apolitical tone the presidential candidates took during Hurricane Gustav, Barack Obama did not temper his rhetoric Saturday, as his spokesman accused John McCain of “cynically running the sleaziest and least honorable campaign in modern presidential campaign history.”

“John McCain wants to have a debate about national security let’s have that debate. I warned that going into Iraq would distract us from Afghanistan. John McCain cheer-leaded for it. John McCain was wrong and I was right,” Obama told a screaming New Hampshire crowd.

“The McCain-Palin ticket, they don’t want to debate the Obama-Biden ticket on issues because they are running on eight more years of what we’ve just seen. And they know it,” Obama said. “As a consequence what they’re going to spend the next seven, eight weeks doing is trying to distract you.

“They’re going to talk about pigs and they’re going to talk about lipstick, they’re going to talk about Paris Hilton, they’re going to talk about Britney Spears. They will try to distort my record and they will try to undermine your trust in what the Democrats intend to do.”

Asked why the campaign responded differently than it did around hurricane Gustav, Obama Senior Strategist David Axelrod said,“We have enormous concern for people down there … that’s why we canceled “Saturday Night Live” … but these people also came out because they’re really concerned about the future of the country and he [Obama]wanted to talk about those issues.”

The McCain campaign criticized Obama for showing “zero restraint” given the storm and said “today’s attacks mark a new low from Barack Obama.”"

Woot! Obama swings and it's a homer!

Couldn't agree more with his insightful observations about the decrepitude of the McCan't-Failin ticket. Don't the brainless Gopper followers realize that McCan't is just trying to appeal to their emotions with empty promises and rhetoric so that they vote for him and he can remove the facade of "Change" and bring about eight more years of Big Busher-like reign? Of course they can't - they're brainless.

I'm sick and tired of politicians like McCan't and Failin distorting the truth and sacrificing their virtues for the votes of idiots. These "mavericks" are certainly changing something, and it's the standards of a political campaign - they've lowered those standards to ground-zero. Why can't they be like Barack Obama, who has remained honest, dignified, and courteous throughout the entire election. I guess those qualities just aren't in the Gopper playbook, sheesh.

Open your eyes, people! These politicians just want your vote! They'll claim they're representing you but it's all a facade! Pay attention for once in your complacent lives! There is so much to be angry about! Rargh!

Well, that's all for this abbreviated weekend edition of HYRTN. Stay tuned in to ARWAY:OPOC for an amazing new feature, coming soon!

Friday, September 12, 2008

No News Today!

Hey folks, no HYRTN for today. I was tied up all day at the Apple Store helping one of my helpless friends pick out a new laptop. We decided to go with the MacBook Air, by the way - it's a great machine.

I'll make it up to you guys this weekend, promise! Peace out, comrades.

Thursday, September 11, 2008

HYRTN: September 11, 2008

New edition every Mon-Fri at around 9pm PST

Have You RED The News? for September 11th, 2008:

1. Former GOP senator calls Palin a 'cocky wacko'


"(CNN) – Former Rhode Island Sen. Lincoln Chafee was known for keeping a low-key profile on Capitol Hill, but the Republican -turned -Independent is making waves with his exceedingly blunt comments on newly-minted Republican VP candidate Sarah Palin:

She's a "cocky wacko," he told a Washington think tank earlier this week.

WATCH: Chafee make the remarks

Chafee, the lone Senate Republican to vote against the Iraq war who endorsed Obama's White House bid earlier this year, told an audience at the New America Foundation in Washington Tuesday that Palin's selection has energized Obama backers.

"People were coming into my office, phone calls were flooding in, e-mails were coming in, 'I just sent money to Obama, I couldn't sleep last night' — from the left. To see this cocky wacko up there," he said.

He also described McCain's candidacy as "lackluster” and described the selection of Palin as a throwing "this firestorm, this tornado, into the whole presidential election.""

I've called Sarah Failin a lot of things, but I have never called her a "cocky wacko." And you know, the more I think about it, the more I find Chafee's nickname for her as apt as ever. After all, this a woman who sees herself as an animal in lipstick and has no problem with disparaging the work of the visionary Barack Obama so that she can tout her modest (and I'm being as polite as possible here) political experience. So there you go, cocky, and a wacko.

Chafee sums up rather succinctly the problem with McCan't's campaign - it's being run by the wrong people. Of course, to me, any Gopper is "the wrong people," but even I can admit there are shades of wrongness. Failin and McCan't are probably the worst contenders for the White House in this country's history. One's too old, the other's too crazy, put 'em together and you can kiss the tenants of democracy, freedom, and common sense goodbye.

Sarah, dear: keep on Failin... the sanity test. Hehe.

2. Palin says she didn't hesitate to take VP slot

palin accepts

"(CNN) — Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin says she "didn't blink" when Sen. John McCain offered her the Republican vice presidential nomination and is confident she could handle the duties of president if necessary.

"I answered him yes, because I have the confidence in that readiness and knowing that you can't blink," Palin told ABC News in her first interview since accepting the No. 2 slot on the GOP ticket.

"You have to be wired in a way of being so committed to the mission, the mission that we're on — reform of this country and victory in the war. You can't blink. So I didn't blink then even when asked to run as his running mate," she said."

Coincidentally, America will be ruined with the "blink" of an eye if this nutjob ever made it into the White House. Of course, someone as greedy and arrogant as Sarah Palin would have no problem accepting a post of power, even when she didn't know what a Vice President's job was back in July. Guess she read through "The Idiot's Guide to Vice Presidency" in record time (for her at least) and now she's ready to help lead America... right off a cliff.

Failin is wired all right, on crazy pills. And she's definitely committed ... to ruining this country even more than the last jerk did.

With McCan't's health, it's not unfathomable to see her as the new #1 if the Goppers somehow manage to pull off a miracle (more like a lie-racle, he he he...) and win the election. Now that's a scary thought, isn't it?

3. McCain, Obama joint appearance planned last week

mccain obama ground zero

"(CNN) — The idea of a joint September 11 visit to Ground Zero by both John McCain and Barack Obama was in the works for less than a week, according to both campaigns.

Obama suggested the idea to McCain Friday afternoon when the Democratic presidential nominee called his Republican counterpart Friday, the day after the GOP convention ended, to congratulate him on his convention speech.

"[Obama] called after the convention speech, and over the course of the
discussion they mutually agreed to meet jointly in New York," said McCain spokesman Tucker Bounds.

The two men went to Ground Zero Thursday, entering the site together. Both candidates exchanged brief remarks and spoke with some of those on hand for the commemoration"

Gee, it figures that Barack Obama would come up with such a selfless and courageous idea - one that crosses party lines - only for McCan't to exploit for another measly photo op. This is pretty shameless, Goppers. I mean, I could understand if it were Guliani running, but McCan't showing up is nothing more than an attempt to show that he cares at least as much as Obama. Oh yeah, McCan't? If you really cared about the American people you would have came up with the idea yourself. Check and mate, Johnny boy.

4. Rove to Obama: Attacking Palin is dumb


"(CNN) – Karl Rove is again offering unsolicited advice to Barack Obama, this time advising the Democratic presidential nominee to avoid attacking Sarah Palin directly if he hopes to win the White House in November.

“It's a match-up he'll lose," Rove writes Thursday in his regular Wall Street Journal column. "If Mr. Obama wants to win, he needs to remember he's running against John McCain for president, not Mrs. Palin for vice president."

Rove notes past attempts by Democratic presidential nominees to attack the No. 2 on the GOP ticket have largely fell flat, and says the issues Obama is hitting Palin on are ones the Illinois senator is weak on himself.

"If Mr. Obama keeps attacking Mrs. Palin, he could suffer the fate of his Democratic predecessors. These assaults highlight his own tissue-thin résumé, waste precious time better spent reassuring voters he is up for the job, and diminish him — not her," Rove writes.

Specifically, Rove says it is not in Obama's interest to attack the Alaska governor on her lack of experience or the earmarks she has requested — two issues, Rove says, on which voters may also question Obama's record."

Oh boy, Karl "Crybaby" Rove is at it again, this time giving Obama "advice" about how to run his own election. Earth to Rove: no one cares what you think, not even the corporate pigs at FAUX NEWS who hired you to spout lies to the people (they were impressed by your work in the White House!). You know what's really dumb, Karl? You. You're dumb. And stupid too.

Obama knows that he's running against McCan't. He also knows that the media, specifically your FAUX NEWS, Rove, is putting all this attention on Palin and how she's just so much better than Obama in every possible way. The man has a right to defend his honor. I guess honor an archaic concept to a neo-con Gopper like yourself, Rove, but some people do still have it, and if anyone does it's Barack Obama.

You wanna know what's tissue-thin? My patience for you, Karl Drove (me insane a long time ago with his ignorance and hypocrisy!).

A bit of an update for you guys

Well, it's been 10 days since ARWAY: OPOC has launched, and while things could always have gone better, I'm very pleased with how the blog has been shaping up. According to feedcat, I have 23 readers and that number is literally growing every day! Heh, just like my impatience for the government and the corporations...

So far I've managed to put together one solid recurring feature: Have You RED The News? - a daily communist-tinted recap of some of the hottest news stories in the country. I hope that everyone has been benefiting from my insights! I really enjoy engaging critically with the news because it helps me find the truth within a sea of lies and half-truths. With HYRTN, my hope is that you, the reader, will benefit from my hard work with some truth of your own. I do this solely out of my duty to squelch ignorance wherever it rears it's head, so there's no need to thank me for my hard work... although commenting or sending me an email couldn't hurt!

Very soon, I'll be releasing a new recurring feature that I think a lot of you guys are really going to love. My hope is that it will energize current readers as well as entice new ones. I can't say too much about it, but let's just say that you should watch for it later this week. :)

With that said, keep reading and keep writing to me! I really treasure your insights and I really want to see those comments numbers rising!

September 11: Redux


It's hard to believe it's been 7 years since the September 11th tragedy. I call it a tragedy because it's truly tragic how the government and the corporations continue to warp Americans' minds about what really happened. George W. Bush and his cronies in the White House lied to us then, and they continue to lie to us now. We may never know exactly what went on behind closed doors, but we can be certain that what we've been told is a total fabrication - one that has led us into five years of an unjust war, a tarnished national image, and a ruined economy. But hey, we're the good guys, right? That's all that matters, right? Wrong.

It was my sophomore year of high school when it happened. I heard the news on my car ride to school. At first I didn't know what to believe. Could this have been some Wellesian hoax? The idea of our country being attacked was something that had never passed through my mind. Once I got to school and started talking to my friends, only then could I comprehend the gravity of the situation.

Other than the occasional news update, classes went on as if nothing had happened. That afternoon I got home and just put on some Coldplay and tried to forget about everything. This was all before I had become enlightened by the writings of Marx. I was so young and naive...

After a few months I began to wonder if what was being on FAUX NEWS was anywhere even near the truth. I had never been a particular fan of the network, but after September 11th I started to notice just how little "news" they have left in their programming. Sadly, most of my friends continued to absorb every lie that was told to them. I tried to convince them to turn of FAUX NEWS and put on a real news channel, like CNN, but they all were still too shaken up to talk about anything.

Fortunately I could find like-minded individuals on the internet who, like me, had been able to distance themselves from the whole thing for the sake of academic discourse. After participating in a few online conversations I not only could confirm that what FAUX NEWS and the government were telling us were complete lies, but that the truth was far from being uncovered. Why keep this information away from us? Because the government-corporate machine needs to keep us in control, and the best ways to do that are ignorance and fear. We got both.

Now, 7 years later, we still face unanswered questions and FAUX NEWS and the government still feed us lies. What a time to be an American, huh?

I hope that everyone has learned from this whole ordeal just as I have. My condolences (but not prayers, as I am an atheist) go out to the families and individuals who were personally affected by the event. As for the national tragedy, we're all still a part of it, and will continue to be until the truth prevails.

Sorry about the delay!

Last night I had the today's HYRTN all written up and I accidentally saved it as a draft! Fear not, loyal readers, for I have noticed my error and have corrected it! If only McCan't were capable of doing the same...

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

HYRTN: September 10th, 2008

New edition every Mon-Fri at around 9pm PST

Have You RED The News? for September 10th, 2008:

1. Obama slams GOP on community organizer comments

obama supporter Pictures, Images and Photos

"WASHINGTON (CNN) – Barack Obama criticized his Republican presidential opponent, Senator John McCain, for not standing firm in his support for immigration reform in the face of opposition from his own party.

“I know Senator McCain used to buck his party by fighting for comprehensive reform – and I admired him for it. But when he was running for his party’s nomination, he abandoned his stance, and said he wouldn’t even support his own legislation if it came up for a vote,” Obama told members of the Congressional Hispanic Caucus Institute gathered in Washington.

“When it came time to write his party’s platform, comprehensive reform never made it in. So you’ve got to ask yourself: if Senator McCain won’t stand up to opponents of reform at his own convention, how can you trust him to stand up for change in Washington?”

McCain’s support for comprehensive immigration reform nearly killed his candidacy in 2007 and he later came out in favor of greater emphasis on securing the nation’s borders in any future legislation. Now, however, he references his fight for reform as a mark of his maverick credentials.

Obama also defended his role as a community organizer, something that was mocked by several speakers at the Republican Party convention, including vice presidential nominee Sarah Palin."

“I was pretty surprised when I heard our opponents making fun of that work last week at their convention – mocking what so many Americans do every day in church groups and unions and the PTA to serve struggling communities. Frankly, I don’t think it’s particularly funny that people are losing their jobs and their homes,” he said."

Obama has once again managed to rise above the wreck that is the Gopper presidential campaign and keep with him the virtues of honesty, integrity, and action. I commend this visionary man for his courage and agree completely with his sentiments regarding community organizers. These people work their butts off for pennies a day, fighting the evil corporations day in and day out. Obama was one such person, but now he's moved on to bigger and better things, and I hope everyone realizes the sacrifices he's made to get where he is today.

While McCan't fails time and time again to get his facts straight, Obama's message of Hope shines through the lies and ignorance. This is turning out to be an exciting election indeed!

2. McCain-Palin ticket featured in Alabama Republican's ad

palin mccain ad Pictures, Images and Photos

"(CNN) – In yet another sign of Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin’s popularity with the conservative base of the Republican Party, Jay Love, the Republican candidate for Alabama’s 2nd Congressional District, has released a new ad that features the governor along with Sen. John McCain.

In the 30-second spot, entitled “Differences,” Palin and McCain are juxtaposed against House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, who Love refers to as a “San Francisco liberal” in the ad.

“There are real differences in this campaign,” Love says looking directly into the camera. “I’m supporting pro-lifers John McCain and Sarah Palin,” he says as an image of the GOP ticket appears on screen. “My opponent isn’t,” Love says as images of Sen. Barack Obama and Bobby Bright, Love’s Democratic opponent, appear.

“I’ll never sell out to the liberals,” Love says as the spot ends. “I’m the only one who will stand up to for our conservative values in Washington when it really counts.”

Since the announcement of her selection as McCain’s VP pick, Palin has galvanized and energized conservatives behind McCain’s candidacy. Love is the first congressional candidate to use Palin in an ad, according to a press release issued by Love’s campaign Wednesday."

You know, "Love" isn't really an apt name for this guy, because I already hate his guts! Ugh, it's so typical of Goppers to completely ignore the issues and just go ahead and blindly glorify their idiot kings and queens. McCan't and Failin run on a truly horrid platform, but no one seems to be paying attention to that! All the Goppers care about is flashy catch phrases like "barracuda" and "mavericks." If you knocked on their campaign it would be completely hollow. When stuff like this can fool the people, we truly live in a time built more around image than substance. Tis such a shame.

Oh, and by the way love, you'll never sell out to liberals because you've already given your dignity to the Goppers! You have nothing left to give the people except for ignorance and lies!

But I guess you don't want to hear from a "Sacramento Liberal." How about a "Sacramento Commie"? Does that boil your blood, Congressman HATE? He he he...

3. Damon rips Palin, calls her 'terrifying'

damon Pictures, Images and Photos

"(CNN) – Admirers say Sarah Palin's compelling narrative and working-mom credentials helped land her a spot on the Republican presidential ticket, but Hollywood star and Obama supporter Matt Damon said Monday the Alaska governor's story more resembles a "really bad Disney movie."

In a blunt interview with the Associated Press, the star of the Jason Bourne film series also said there was a good chance John McCain would die in his first term in office and the thought of a President Palin is "terrifying."

“It’s like a really bad Disney movie — the hockey mom…from Alaska, and she’s the president, and it’s like she’s facing down Vladimir Putin and using the folksy stuff she learned at the hockey rink. And it’s absurd, it’s totally absurd, and I don't understand why people aren’t talking about how absurd it is," Damon said.

"You do the actuary tables, there's a 1-3 chance if not more, that McCain doesn't survive his first term and it will be President Palin," Damon also said, adding later "I think there's a really good chance Sarah Palin could be president, and I think that's a really scary thing, because I don't know anything about her, and I don't think in eight weeks I am going to know anything about her.”"

Amen, Damon. I couldn't agree more with your astute observation about McCan't's poor health. Let's face it people: the man's old! There's a good chance he wouldn't be able to serve his full term, in which case Failin would take his place! You know, I rarely complement a Gopper, but I will say that McCan't is a hell of a lot more qualified that Failin at, well, pretty much everything. The idea of her reigning over the country is sickening. I'd rather have a pig in lipstick! Hell, I'd rather have McCan't! You know something's wrong when I start saying something like that!

Matt Damon is no ignoramus either. He's starred in a lot of films about government conspiracies so he knows how our country works. Of course no one of any real intelligence will be able to see past his handsome face, but for those of us with dignified minds, Damon's words shed a whole lot of truth, and that's just what the doctor ordered. And McCan't is one sick Gopper!

4. Cohen: Jesus was a community organizer

jesus obama Pictures, Images and Photos

"(CNN) –Barack Obama was again compared to Jesus Wednesday, but this time not by Republicans claiming the Illinois senator has an inflated view of himself.

Speaking on the House floor, Tennessee Rep. Steve Cohen sought to defend recent attacks over Obama's stint as a community organizer by picking up a recent blogger refrain, that "Barack Obama was a community organizer like Jesus."

The comments come days after that part of Obama's resume was belittled at the Republican convention by both former New York Mayor Rudy Giuliani and VP candidate Sarah Palin.

"He worked as a community organizer," Giuliani said last week as the convention crowd erupted in laughter. "Ok, maybe this is the first problem on the resume."

"I guess a small-town mayor is sort of like a ‘community organizer,’ except that you have actual responsibilities," Palin then said the night after Giuliani spoke."

Okay, before I begin, let's get one thing straight: I'm an atheist. I don't believe in God. I find the idea of a higher being to be quite foolish, and religion to be really just a means of controlling the masses. Yeah, no one controls me. I decide what to believe in, not some high and mighty religious figure. I'd highly recommend anyone who is interested in the wonders of atheism to check out Richard Dawkins' book The God Delusion. It really opened my eyes to the ignorance of the world and strengthened my faith (or lack thereof, hehe!) more than I could have ever imagined. Along with Barack Obama, Dawkins is a true visionary with a lot of great wisdom about the world in which we all live. He has certainly helped me find intellectual freedom and I hope that he does the same for you.

Okay, now that all that's out of the way: I don't find the comparison between Obama and Jesus inappropriate at all. Both gave to their communities, were visionaries, and generally all around good people. Of course, I don't believe that either were the son of God (or that God even exists!), but I can appreciate the fact that both are great historical figures who have shaped the world around them. Of course, Jesus ended up creating one of the worst things in the world, Christianity, so I suppose Obama is better than him in that respect. And Obama also believes in reality instead of fantasy. And he doesn't have messy hair either.

You know what? I'm gonna say it and I don't care who I'm offending: Obama is better than Jesus.

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

HYRTN: September 9th, 2008

New edition every Mon-Fri at around 9pm PST

Have You RED The News? for September 9th, 2008:

1. Ron Paul to announce presidential endorsement plans

ron paul

"WASHINGTON (CNN) – Texas Republican Rep. Ron Paul will call on supporters to back a third party candidate for president Wednesday, rejecting his own party’s nominee and offering equally harsh words for the Democratic candidate.

Paul, who unsuccessfully sought the Republican presidential nomination, will tell supporters he is not endorsing GOP nominee John McCain or Democratic nominee Barack Obama, and will instead give his seal of approval to four candidates: Green Party nominee Cynthia McKinney, Libertarian Party nominee Bob Barr, independent candidate Ralph Nader, and Constitution Party candidate Chuck Baldwin, according to a senior Paul aide.

The announcement will take place in the morning at the National Press Club in the nation’s capital.

While Paul failed in his bid for the Republican nomination, he found a large, diverse audience for his anti-war and anti-tax messages. The Texas congressman’s campaign was fueled by a successful on-line grassroots fundraising operation. Throughout the campaign, Paul supporters called on others to join the “Ron Paul Revolution.”

Paul will offer this open endorsement to the four candidates because each has signed onto a policy statement that calls for “balancing budgets, bring troops home, personal liberties and investigating the Federal Reserve,” the Paul aide said."

I don't know if anyone has actually been paying attention to Ron Paul (since our country's two party political system is seriously whack!), but I think it's wonderful that this man isn't giving up the fight for a better America. Of course, I plan to vote for Obama, but it's wonderful that such an influential and intelligent man is using his powers for good rather than evil. Will any of the candidates he endorses win? No chance in hell, but it warms my heart all the same to see the guy trying.

2. McCain camp launches ‘Palin Truth Squad’


"(CNN) – John McCain’s campaign defended Sarah Palin Tuesday over a report that highlighted some of her travel expense claims as governor, and announced the launch of the “Palin Truth Squad” to fight future attacks on the VP nominee.

The Washington Post reported Tuesday that the Alaska governor had billed the state a per diem for 312 days she spent at home, and requested reimbursement for plane rides and hotel rooms for her husband and children, including a $707 room when her daughter accompanied her on a trip to New York to attend a Newsweek forum.

The paper noted that officials said the claims were justified under existing state regulations.

The McCain campaign said that Palin had reduced yearly travel expenses by roughly 80 percent of the amount spent by predecessor Frank Murkowski, in part by selling the governor’s private jet. Roughly half the $93,000 spent went to cover expenses incurred by her family. In a post on the campaign’s Web site, adviser Michael Goldfarb told supporters that Alaskans were paying “pennies on the dollar,” and accused the Washington Post of “hunting for ‘scandal.’”

“As governor of the state, Palin is expected to travel across Alaska to meet her constituents and attend community events. As a mother of five, she occasionally brought her children with her,” wrote Goldfarb. “Her travel-related activities have been appropriately documented, are completely transparent, and entirely legal. She also saved Alaskan taxpayers hundreds of millions of dollars in the budgeting process and hundreds of thousands in cutting waste from her own office. It is an impressive record of reform by any measure.”"

Oh boy, here the Goppers go again with Failin's private jet... that she failed to sell for the original price. If that isn't evidence that she'll be discounting the American people, I don't know what is!

And hey, Failin! It's not the American taxpayers' faults that you had to get knocked up five times. Why should we have to pay for your little "miracles"? And to think Republicans want to cut programs that matter like health care and education... they have no problem accepting money to send their crotchspawn to exotic locales. Typical Gopper hypocrisy.

I commend those over at the Washington Post who had the courage to stand up to this capitalist pig in lipstick. If there's any sense of journalistic integrity left in the world, it's definitely at the Washington Post. And this blog. And CNN. But that's it!

3. Obama says he's not worried over Palin poll surge


"RIVERSIDE, Ohio (CNN) – Senator Barack Obama told reporters he is not concerned about the spike in enthusiasm among Republicans since Governor Sarah Palin joined the GOP ticket, or recent polls showing a dead-even race.

“My general approach throughout this process has been not to worry about today’s news or yesterday’s polls but worry about what is it where is it that I want to see the country what is it that I’m trying to accomplish,” said Obama at a press conference in Riverside, Ohio. “I know that after our convention we had a bump, after theirs they get a bump. I think that what you’re going to see settling in, is that the race is going to be very close.”

The Democratic nominee, asked whether he wished he had picked a female running mate given some polling data that indicates women are flocking to the McCain-Palin ticket, said he had no regrets.

“The notion that people are swinging back and forth in a span of a few weeks or a few days this wildly generally isn’t borne out,” said Obama. “These are the same polls that had me 20 down last summer that have swung wildly throughout this process. There is no doubt that Governor Palin has attracted a lot of attention."

Obama is totally right. And to think I was beginning to worry! The Goppers have managed to gather in the last few straggling morons with their flashy displays of empty promises and hypocrisy, but at the end of the day it's the Democrats who still have their integrity. You see, they don't have to rely on flashy tricks or catchwords like "maverick" to entice the people. They run a platform based on the Truth, Change, and Hope. I commend Obama for his refusal to talk about numbers and instead talk about this country. If only we could all see the big picture so easily...

I'm glad the election is going to be a close one! It'll just mean when the Goppers lose, they'll be even more disappointed! Hehe... Yeah, I'm not worried at all about a couple of flashy lies. It's the truth I'm looking for. The Democrats are definitely going to win, no question. I don't even know why I bothered posting this story! I mean, it's just so obvious that the Democrats are going to win. They're going to cream the Goppers. I'm sure that the Democrats are going to win. It's gonna happen in November! It's definitely going to happen. No question. Stupid Goppers.

4. McCain and Palin once again play 'Barracuda'


"LEBANON, Ohio (CNN) – The rock band "Heart" may have asked John McCain and Sarah Palin stop playing their song "Barracuda" at their rallies, but the campaign is apparently paying no heed.

The track — played at the Republican National Convention in honor of the Vice Presidential nominee, who earned the nickname "Sarah Barracuda" playing high school basketball in Alaska — was pumped through the streets of Lebanon, Ohio on Tuesday morning at an outdoor rally before the GOP ticket showed up.

When the song was played after Palin's convention speech last week, the band members quickly requested that McCain and Palin pull the plug.

"Sarah Palin's views and values in no way represent us as American women," Ann and Nancy Wilson told Entertainment Weekly. "We ask that our song 'Barracuda' no longer be used to promote her image."

But the McCain camp said last week that it had paid for and obtained all necessary licenses before using the song."

Leave it to the Goppers to justify injustice with money. Man, it's like all they care about is paying people off! If record executives, people with business degrees, can be bought off so easily, imagine how easy it must be to buy off the fiscally-uninitiated American public... with tax cuts. Yeah, that's right, just throw money at all your problems Goppers. That's how things gets solved in this country... NOT.

I'm not really all that surprised that a corporation would rip off one of its musical artists for a quick buck though. After all, they don't care about artistic expression or innovation or freedom of soundwaves or any of that so called "radical" business. No, it seems all they care about is exploiting the talent of others, and that makes me sick. Exploiting people is pretty much how corporations are run nowadays. I was watching a documentary on my iPhone about it the other day. Really opened my eyes even more to how horrible the business world truly is.

Fortunately, there are plenty of independent, underground artists out there whose labels would never sell their music to politicians for their propaganda machines. As a musician myself, I can think of nothing worse than such a thing happening to my music, and so when we eventually decide to sign to a label we'll be sure to make sure our music won't be used for such nefarious purposes. I guess people still have some sense of agency, in that regard. It's not much, but we gotta hold on to every last bit of freedom we have.

Monday, September 8, 2008

HYRTN: September 8th, 2008

New edition every Mon-Fri at around 9pm PST

Have You RED The News? for September 8th, 2008:

1. Obama calls McCain-Palin 'No Maverick' in new ad


CNN – Barack Obama’s campaign responded to the McCain-Palin team’s new ad touting the Alaska governor’s opposition to the Bridge to Nowhere with a spot released Monday afternoon that attacks the Republican VP nominee by name for the first time.

“They call themselves mavericks. Whoa,” says the announcer in the 30-second spot. “The truth is, they’re anything but.

“John McCain is hardly a maverick when seven of his top campaign advisers are Washington lobbyists. He’s no maverick when he votes with Bush 90 percent of the time. And Sarah Palin’s no maverick either. She was for the Bridge to Nowhere before she was against it.

“Politicians lying about their records? You don’t call that maverick. You call it more of the same.”

The ad, which will air in battleground states, echoes the language of Obama’s own campaign trail attacks against the GOP ticket Monday.

“John McCain says that he is going to tell all those lobbyists in Washington that their days of running Washington are over,” Obama said at a Michigan campaign stop. “So who is it that he’s going to tell? Is he going to tell his campaign chairman? Is he going to tell his campaign manager? I mean, these are folks who have represented every major corporate interest…”

McCain spokesman Tucker Bounds said that there are no registered lobbyists currently on the payroll, “and Barack Obama knows it.”

A new CNN/Opinion Research Corporation poll found those surveyed give the Democratic nominee the edge when it comes to which candidate is the “real reformer” – but McCain has narrowed Obama’s advantage on “change” from 18 to 8 percent.

I urge all of you to check out the ad because it's definitely a bastion of truth and Hope. I was actually starting to worry that all this talk about McCan't and Failin "reforming politics" was actually getting to some people (read: complete morons). Fortunately Obama will be running this ad in the key battleground states to set the facts straight, once and for all. I commend Obama for his courage to stand up to the Bully Buddies.

That McCan't can even be remotely associated with the word "change" is pretty sickening, since he represents everything that's wrong with politics today. Old, white, a republican... that's some real change right there. The only change I see McCan't interested in is the shortchanging of the American citizenry. And let's not get started on Sarah "No One Knows Who The Flip I Am But I'm Running for VP Anyway" Failin. She's definitely changing all right - changing the diapers of her daughter's newborn. Hehe.

2. CNN Poll of polls: McCain continues to move ahead


"(CNN) – John McCain’s edge is growing in the latest CNN Poll of polls — the first comprised of surveys conducted entirely after the Republican convention.

After averaging in new survey results from CBS, ABC/Washington Post, and Gallup, CNN’s national Poll of polls now shows McCain leading Obama by 2 points, 47 to 45 percent. The CNN Poll of polls released earlier Monday showed McCain ahead of Obama by 1 point, 47 to 46 percent. Eight percent are undecided.

“John McCain is riding high after an extremely successful Republican Convention,” said CNN Senior Political Researcher Alan Silverleib. “For the first time all year, McCain is ahead of Obama in the Poll of Polls. The GOP base is energized. The so-called ‘convention bounce’ is alive and well, and has resulted in an overall swing of seven percentage points in McCain’s favor since the Republicans met in St. Paul on September 1. This historic race for the White House will now likely remain tight all the way to Election Day.”

The national general election "Poll of Polls" consists of five surveys: CNN (September 5-7), ABC/Washington Post (September 5-7), CBS (September 5-7), Gallup (September 5-7), and Diageo/Hotline (September 5-7). The Poll of Polls does not have a sampling error."

I felt physically ill after reading these numbers. Come on people! What's going on here? I thought we all wanted Hope and Change, not The Pope and Chains (I'm referring to the average Gopper's affinity to religion and slavery/"minimum wage labor"). It's concerting to know that at least eight percent haven't decided (let's hope they're Obama supporters!), but the election should not be as close as this. I think I've definitely been doing my part, writing in this blog and getting the truth out to everyone, so why aren't countless Americans doing their parts? If we just sit around like complacent cucumbers, this country will never get the change it deserves.

Now is not the time to sit around idly while the Gopper menace drives its propaganda into the impressionable idiots of this country. We must rise up against the forces of ignorance and tell people the truth about McCan't and Failin: they stink!

3. Bush: Palin is an 'inspired pick'


"(CNN) – President Bush is praising John McCain’s running mate Sarah Palin as an “inspired pick.”

"I find her to be a very dynamic, capable, smart women who, you know, it really says that John McCain made an inspired pick, to me," Bush said of the Alaska governor in an interview set to air Tuesday on Fox, according to excerpts released by the network.

Watch: Will Palin help the GOP?

"She's had executive experience, and that's what it takes to be a capable person here in Washington, D.C. in the executive branch," he said.

Bush served as Texas governor before his first presidential run."

Wow, big surprise - Big Busher likes Failin! Far be it from a Gopper to be critical of one of their own. What really irritates me as that he calls her an "inspired pick" - McCan't could have picked a better candidate from his nose.

Dynamically annoying and capable of extraordinary ignorance - Failin sure shares many of Big Busher's "qualities." I wonder if the two would make good moose hunting buddies!

Tell me, does anyone actually listen to this guy anymore? I mean he's spent almost eight years destroying the country and now all he does is swoon over his new heroes/clones, McCan't and Failin. Don't you think there are more important things the guy could be doing right now? You know, like pretending to give a damn about the country.

For a real inspiring, dynamic, and capable person, I'd like to introduce you to a certain visionary named Barack Obama. Maybe you've heard of him? He's going to be president in a few months, you know.

4. McCain attacks Obama on military spending


"LEE’S SUMMIT, Missouri (CNN) –John McCain is launching a new line of attack against Barack Obama, criticizing his rival for saying Sunday that he would buck his own party by calling for an increase in the size of the U.S. military.

“Of course, now he wants to increase it,” McCain told an audience in Lee’s Summit, Missouri Monday. “But during the primary he told a liberal advocacy group that he’d cut defense spending by tens of billions of dollars. He promised them he would, quote, ‘slow our development of future combat systems.’”

Watch: McCain says he will 'veto every earmark'

McCain was referring to a YouTube clip from last October that features Obama promising the non-profit group “Caucus for Priorities” that he would reduce wasteful military spending.

“I will cut tens of billions of dollars in wasteful spending,” Obama said in the video. “I will cut investments in unproven missile defense systems. I will not weaponize space. I will slow our development of future combat systems.”

In the video, Obama also said: “As president, my sole priority for defense spending will be protecting the American people.”

Obama, now the Democratic nominee, was asked on ABC’s “This Week” on Sunday to cite examples of where he would be willing to break with his own party.

“I’ve said that we need to increase the size of our military,” Obama answered, noting that such legislation might anger some on the left.

McCain, who claimed in his remarks that the world is simply too dangerous to reduce military spending, said Obama is guilty of general election pandering.

“Sen. Obama told the extreme left what they wanted to hear during the primary, now he’s trying to tell you what he thinks you want to hear,” McCain responded in Missouri. “My friends, you may not always agree with me but you will always know where I stand.”"

This is nothing but pure nonsense. Barack Obama said he wanted to cut down on wasteful spending; that's doesn't mean he can't also be for expanding the military. He's not pandering to anyone. He's just doing what's best for the country. Makes sense to me. Moving on.

You know, it's just like McCan't to try to pick apart something as flawless as Obama's military strategy. The man just isn't good at picking (see: Sarah Failin)! Listen to me, Senator: Obama's campaign isn't like flan (which I'm sure is a regular delicacy of yours); it's hard, like diamond. So hard, in fact, that not even the political wrecking ball Big Busher has given you as a campaign present is strong enough to fracture it. I mean, just listen to the man, Senator! “I will cut investments in unproven missile defense systems. I will not weaponize space. I will slow our development of future combat systems.” These are definitive actions that Obama will be taking. I mean if his word isn't enough for you, then what is? I know it's hard for you to believe that some people actually tell the truth, believing in Change, Hope, and this country, but there are those out there that do. They're called Democrats. Maybe you've heard of them?

And for the record, I'll always know where you're standing: right next to a chair.

Sunday, September 7, 2008

The iPhone 3G: A Reflection


On July 11th, I took part in an "fanboy pilgrimage" of sorts as I waited for over eighteen hours outside of an AT&T store in order to be one of the first recipients of the much sought after iPhone 3G. I really wish I had started the blog before then, because the memories of wonderment and camaraderie would still have been fresh in my mind, but alas, a two month retrospective is the only viable option.

I was #3 in line, behind an older couple who claimed to have been waiting in front of the store for over a week. Within their rustic camping tent emerged the smells of discarded Cup of Noodles and the friction of human flesh. Before the wife started asking what my "animal name" was, we had a delightful conversation about Apple and where we see the company is headed. We seemed to all agree that the future held great things for Steve Jobs and the gang.

We invisioned a time in which Windows was no longer needed, in which all computers ran off UNIX-based architecture and Mac OS X ruled supreme above all operating systems. Of course, we knew that nothing like that would ever happen in our lifetimes (well, they were pushing fifty so I don't think it's even right to lump mine in with theirs); people will always be stupid, and as long as there are stupid people, there will be a consumer base for Windows.

Fortunately, Apple has been doing really well lately and it's not unfathomable that some day it will usurp Micro$oft's throne once and for all. The iPhone was just the first step and the iPhone 3G was the next.

I bought an original iPhone, of course, back when people were still skeptical about Apple's ability to craft the perfect cell phone (and why they were I still have no idea - they were already making the perfect computers and music players). I paid the original $600 because I had no doubt in my mind that Apple would deliver excellence. Of course, when the price drop was announced, I was a little ticked off (well, okay, I was pretty furious that Apple would try to pull a fast one on me, their loyal buyer), but the $100 iTunes certificate that Steve graciously offered all of us early adopters was more than enough to assuage my rage (I purchased some wonderful albums from some pretty unknown artists, like Why? and Animal Collective - I doubt you've heard of them).

I loved the original iPhone because, well, as Apple says, it just worked.™ I had all my music, photos, videos, and internet with me in one place, and as an added bonus, it also happened to be a kickass phone! I even paid Verizon $200 to cancel my account since I would need AT&T to use the phone capabilities properly. A "friend" of mine suggest that I jailbreak the thing, to which I replied "What, are you crazy? And risk a $600 investment? Thanks, I'll stick to the way things are supposed to be." Turns out my "friend" had jailbreaked his prior to our conversation and had already succeeding in breaking the damn thing. What a moron.

The original iPhone served me well for many months, but when the 3G was announced, I knew it was time to say good bye to an old friend. Since I needed the money, I decided to sell my old one the day before the 3G came out - for $300 cool ones no less! Of course living a day without instant communication was a huge drag, especially since I had to spend it waiting in line in the cold huddled up with about a hundred other Apple fans. I guess my friends had called a few times about a party they were having, and while I doubt I would have gone (and risk giving up my place in line? hardly), it was annoying that people were trying to reach me and I had no way of knowing. Sure, I had my PSP and my regular iPod with me but without an internet connection I was pretty much cut out entirely from the world. Some of my fellow linegoers were attempting to sell their old iPhones to passersby and a few even succeeded - oh, if only I had considered that as a viable option!!!

Anyway, after eighteen hours of waiting the doors finally opened and after the couple in front of me argued with the clerk about the 1 phone per customer limit, it was my turn to taste sweet 3G AWESOMENESS. I voraciously ripped apart the packaging as soon as it was rung up and forgot that I would have to charge and activate the darn thing before using it. So I got home and after two hours of charging and activation time I was set.

Finally, a return to the world I know and love! I decided to immediately test out the new 3G internet speed and was blown away by the improvement. I remember it being such a hassle to access the internet before, using the slow, almost primitive 2G speeds when important information needed to be acquired as soon as possible. Thankfully, Apple and AT&T have blessed us with some amazing speeds. I was floored. And to think that this model actually costed less than the original iPhone. I can't think of a better situation in which the consumers ended up profiting.

The GPS was a wonderful addition and I just know some day I'll find a great use for it. I loved the new headphone jack and the new finish was simply marvelous. This was a beautiful looking device, with robust functionality to boot!

It didn't take long for me to fall head over heels in love with my new favorite gadget. The iPhone 3G is definitely a deserving successor to the 2G and I can only imagine how amazing Apple is going to make its successor. In case ANYONE is still considering getting one, the verdict is definitely YES. BUY THE IPHONE 3G and say hello to blazing internet speeds, cool GPS functionality, and some killer looks. I can attest to being about ten shades cooler by owning this wonderful little device from Apple.

Of course, the first thing I did when I got the phone was change the wallpaper:

communist wallpaper

Hehe. >:)

Friday, September 5, 2008

HYRTN: September 5th, 2008

New edition every Mon-Fri at around 9pm PST

Have You RED The News? for September 5th, 2008:

1. Alaska state jet didn't fly on eBay


"ANCHORAGE, Alaska (CNN) — Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin bolstered her fiscal-conservative credentials early in her term by putting her predecessor's state jet up for auction online.

"That luxury jet was over the top," she told Republican National Convention delegates when she accepted the party's vice presidential nomination Wednesday night. "I put it on eBay."

Since Palin was chosen as Arizona Sen. John McCain's running mate last week, the story has become a cornerstone of the Republican effort to paint Palin as a reformer who took on her own party establishment.

"How many saw her speech a couple of nights ago? Wasn't it fabulous?" McCain said Friday during a campaign stop in Cedarburg, Wisconsin. "You know what I enjoyed the most? She took the luxury jet that was purchased by her predecessor and sold it on eBay — and made a profit."

But it turns out the twin-engine Westwind II was a tough sell on the Web — and the state eventually pulled it offline and sold it through an ordinary brick-and-mortar brokerage, for a loss, a spokeswoman said Friday.

"Governor Palin has been correct in saying that she put the plane on eBay," McCain campaign spokeswoman Maria Comella told CNN. "They did end up selling it for $2.1 million. but not on eBay."

Palin's predecessor, Frank Murkowski, bought the jet for $2.7 million in 2005. The following year, Palin unseated Murkowski in the state's Republican primary and became governor: Upon taking office, she wanted to unload what former aide Meg Stapleton called "a symbol of corruption."

Stapleton told CNN that Murkowski paid too much for the jet, and that it was costing taxpayers money just sitting in the hangar.

"Eventually you had to concede and say, 'How often are we going to pay these bills and waste more state dollars?' " she said.

When putting it on eBay failed, aircraft broker Rob Heckmann was called in to sell the jet. Businessman Larry Reynolds bought the five-passenger jet for sold for $2.1 million. And Reynolds is now seeking another $50,000 from the state for unexpected maintenance issues with the aircraft."

Wow, so Failin figured out how to use the internet and now she's suddenly exonerated from all her shortcomings? I know most Goppers are still having trouble getting their emails to work, but anyone with half a brain can see just how stupid this publicity stunt really was. What really makes this great, though, is that Failin bragged about something she failed to do! I can seen my clever moniker for her as well-suited.

Speaking of which, look out for this upcoming auction in November, folks:

"Your personal freedoms, the security of America's economy, world peace, Hope"
Cost: Your Vote for Barack Obama

2. McCain, Palin pledge to 'break some china' in Washington

palin, mccain

" STERLING HEIGHTS, Michigan (CNN) — At a large rally in Michigan on Friday, his first day campaigning after accepting the Republican presidential nomination, John McCain promised to upend the Washington status quo, arguing that the Democratic ticket doesn't have the chops to do so.

"That's why this ticket is the ticket to shake up Washington, because Sen. Obama doesn't have the strength to do it," McCain said. "He has never bucked his party on any issue. Never. If you want real reform, if you want real change, send the one's who've actually done it. Send the team of mavericks who aren't afraid to go to Washington and break some china."

Introducing McCain, running mate Sarah Palin boasted, "There is only one man in this election who has every really fought for you, and that man is John McCain.""

Funny McCan't mentions breaking China, as I'm sure his voracious appetite for ignorance and war will most likely lead to a breaking of diplomatic ties with the nation of China. That's right, I went there.

As for chops, McCan't? Don't you mean how you plan to "chop" the minimum wage in half (he hasn't announced it but I can totally see him doing something like that!!!). The only "shaking" you'll be doing is in your boots when Obama creams you in less than 60 days.

And leave it to Failin to spout off another party-written blurb about the worst presidential candidate ever. And what's the deal with this "maverick" label they've been giving themselves? I've got a different one for them to try on: "losers."

3. Palin hammers Obama on Iraq policy


"CEDARBURG, Wisconsin (CNN) – Sarah Palin took to her attack dog role with gusto on Friday morning, calling John McCain “the only great man in this race” and disparaging Barack Obama’s judgment on the troop surge in Iraq.

Watch: Palin slams Obama on Iraq

Reading off notes, Palin mocked Obama for telling Fox News on Thursday that the surge “has succeeded in ways that nobody anticipated.”

“I guess when you turn out to be profoundly wrong on a vital national security issue, maybe it’s comforting to pretend that everyone else was wrong too,” Palin said, adding that McCain was “the one leader who did predict success.”

The crowd cheered when Palin reprised a pithy line from her convention speech that mocked Obama's professional background.

Watch: Palin: I had "actual responsibilities"

“I guess a small town mayor is sort of like a community organizer only you have actual responsibilities,” she said, responding to critics who accuse her of lacking experience."

Will somebody please get this woman a scratching post? You'd think someone running for vice president would have more important things to do than spread lies about her opponents, but then again a few months ago she didn't even know what a Vice President does. I guess she's still on her training wheels.

We'll see how "great" McCan't is when the economy's even deeper in the toilet and he still can't remember how many bathrooms he owns (hint: it's an average of 2.5 per property).

Sorry, Failin, somehow I have a hard-time believing you were "actually responsible" when your under-aged daughter had pre-marital sex. Or did you already forget that happened?

4. Heart condemns McCain-Palin use of 'Barracuda'


"ST. PAUL, Minnesota (CNN) — Blasting through the Republican convention hall is the 1977 hit "Barracuda" by rock band Heart.

It's a shout-out to Sarah Palin. When she played basketball in high school, the soon-to-be Republican vice presidential nominee earned the nickname "Sarah barracuda" for her fierce competitiveness.

Some of her opponents revived the "Sarah barracuda" nickname after she became mayor of her hometown, Wasilla, in 1996, defeating a three-term incumbent.

UPDATE: Ann and Nancy Wilson of Heart said Thursday night that Universal Music Publishing and Sony BMG have sent a cease and desist notice to the McCain-Palin campaign over their use of 'Barracuda.'

"We have asked the Republican campaign publicly not to use our music. We
hope our wishes will be honored," the group said in a statement that said they "condemn" the use of the song at the Republican convention."

This one's just great. Even the aging hipsters are standing up against the Goppers. I'm not surprised the Goppers took the song without asking. After all, they did the same with the country (yeah, about those votes in Florida...).

Hopefully someone at Gopperville still has a trace of a heart left and will pull the song from their propaganda machine.

Thursday, September 4, 2008

HYRTN: September 4th, 2008

New edition every Mon-Fri at around 9pm PST

Have You RED The News? for September 4th, 2008:

1. Obama: 'I've been called worse on the basketball court'

Obama basketball court speech

"ORK, Pennsylvania (CNN) – Barack Obama said Thursday that attacks on him at this week’s Republican National Convention were no big deal: “I’ve been called worse on the basketball court,” he told reporters at an afternoon press conference.

“What did you guys expect?” he asked, smiling, “This is what they do. They don't have an agenda to run on. They haven't offered a single concrete idea so far in two nights about how they would make the lives of middle class Americans better. They've spent the entire two nights attacking me or extolling John McCain's biography, which is fine. They can use their convention time any way they want.”

Watch: "I've been called worse," says Obama

Wednesday night on stage in St. Paul, both Sarah Palin and Rudy Giuliani belittled Obama’s work as a community organizer in Chicago in the 80s. Obama called the reaction “curious,” as if he were trying to jump from a post-college job to the presidency.

“The question I have for them is that why would that kind of work be ridiculous? Who are they fighting for?” he said. “I think maybe that's the problem - that's part of why they're out of touch and they don't get it because they haven’t spent much time working on behalf of those folks.”

Obama dismissed accusations from Republicans that comments and reports from Democrats and the media about Palin are sexist, saying that digging into her record can only be expected."

I insist that you guys check out the full video because Obama just comes off as so cool and refreshed after essentially two nights worth of being stepped on by Gopper shoes. Of course, it's no surprise that such a visionary and charismatic character like Obama could easily shrug off the pitiful Gopper attempts to tarnish his idyllic image. Still, I commend the man for approaching this situation like he has with any other - with dignity, calm, and intelligence.

It's pretty obvious by now that the Goppers know that they don't stand a chance at winning the election, so why are they even bothering with such libelous remarks in the first place? I'll tell you why: it's because they don't care about the ethics of politics (as if there were little to begin with... heh...) and they certainly don't care about this country. They can't possibly win so they want to drag everyone down with them. Shame on you, Senator McCan't Win the Presidency and Governor Failing to Connect to Voters.

You know, I'm glad Obama used a basketball metaphor because it highlights something a lot of people seem to be forgetting about McCain: he's freakin' old! I know the republicans thrive off people like him but there has to be a point where senility becomes an issues and McCain has definitely passed that point. I mean he couldn't even remember how many houses he owned! Anyone remember that little "uh oh" moment, or has FAUX NEWS already rewritten the transcripts for "Big Busher"? Obama is young, athletic, and would absolutely destroy John McCan't Raise His Arm All the Way in a game of one-on-one. What does that say about Obama's foreign policy? EVERYTHING. He's the kind of guy who can juke past injustice, pass the ball of responsibility to deserving team member nations, and call a time out when an important decision needs to be made about the world in which we all live. If the man can survive the trash talk of urban basketball court players, imagine the harsh words he'll be able to take from Russia.

Oh, and this whole "sexist" thing with Gov. Failin? Pure bull. I thought we had taken care of this back when Clinton was still running. There's no sexism in politics, Failin. Get over yourself. Nothing's going to excuse you for your lack of inexperience. And by the way, working as a community organizer is a hell of a lot more impressive than working as a grade school librarian (because of the way she looks... hehe!).

2. Senior Obama aide: Palin speech drew, repelled voters

Senior Obama aide: Palin speech drew, repelled voters

"ST. PAUL (CNN) – Obama senior adviser Robert Gibbs told reporters Thursday he thought the tough tone of Republican convention speeches the night before — including Sarah Palin’s speech — “came at some cost,” and would take a political toll on John McCain's campaign.

“A lot of people came in not knowing who she was — and I think whenever a political candidate makes a speech that is heavy with contrast like last night’s was, that is going to move people to your side, and it’s going to move people away from you,” he said at a Christian Science Monitor lunch Thursday. “That’s not a zero sum game. It comes at some cost.

“I would guarantee that whatever you thought of her last night, if you didn’t have an opinion of her, some people thought more positively of her, but also some more negatively of her,” he added. “I have no doubt a lot of voters had critiques about that speech. Because I think voters are hearing and watching far different things than a group of delegates are.”

He said he thought the truncated convention schedule might have taken a toll on GOP messaging — and suggested that Republican speakers had gone over the line last night with veiled swipes at Michelle Obama. “I think there’s one camp that’s serious about leaving family out of this and one that’s less so, I’ll let you decide.”"

Leave it to an Obama advisor to offer the pure truth about the Gopper problem. I agree wholeheartedly - the main problem with Failin is that she came in as a nobody and started acting like she owned the place. You can't just waltz into the political arena as an unknown with no experience and little knowledge of the political system and then speak in a bombastic, authoritative tone while relentlessly bashing your much more qualified opponents. I thought there were safe-guards for that kind of ignorant behavior! Not in Gopperville, USA (read: practically the entire country... sigh...)

As for Failin's comments on Michelle Obama: shameless, to say the least. I know the woman has enough family issues as it is with her pregnant 17 year old daughter; you'd think she'd understand what it's like for someone to be interrogated because of their familial connections. I guess a rodent problem is only a problem when it's in your front yard. Typical Gopper mindset!

3. McCain-Palin embrace 'barracuda'


"ST. PAUL, Minnesota (CNN) — Blasting through the Republican convention hall is the 1977 hit "Barracuda" by rock band Heart.

It's a shout-out to Sarah Palin. When she played basketball in high school, the soon-to-be Republican vice presidential nominee earned the nickname "Sarah barracuda" for her fierce competitiveness.

Some of her opponents revived the "Sarah barracuda" nickname after she became mayor of her hometown, Wasilla, in 1996, defeating a three-term incumbent."

Geez, leave it to the Goppers to try to appeal to the impressionable youth through the power of rock and roll. Too bad they picked a song that was popular in the freakin' seventies. Seems to me like everything the Goppers pick is 30 years too old, if you catch my drift...

As for Failin's "cute" nickname, I did some research on Wikipedia, you know, the free encyclopedia? Get this: when cooked fresh, barracuda disintegrate in hot soup. Sound familiar to anyone? Failin is fresh all right; she was governor for less than a year! Put her in the hot soup that is America's socio-economic climate and you've got one disintegrated V.P. Stick this one back in the oven, McCan't Do Anything Right.

4. 'U.S.A.' chant is code to drown out protesters


"ST. PAUL, Minnesota (CNN) – In response to early rumors that demonstrators might try to interrupt Republican presidential nominee John McCain's acceptance speech Thursday night, a number of delegations agreed to chant "U.S.A." in order to quell the sound of protesters.

"There's word of a possible demonstration coming. If it does, the chant is 'USA, USA'," a floor whip was overheard telling members in the New York delegation.

Similar whispers were heard from the Alaska delegation clear across to the Louisiana delegation on the other side of the hall only moments before McCain began speaking.

On at least three occasions during the early part of his speech, members of the audience began chanting "U.S.A." in response to protesters, who were then escorted out of the hall.

In one such case, McCain weighed in telling the crowd not to be distracted “by the static…Americans want us to stop yelling at each other.”"

This last one just makes me sick to my stomach. I guess the Goppers decided not listening to the truth wasn't going far enough; now they're actually drowning it out with chants the likes of which you'd most likely hear coming from primitive caveman communities. Oh, that's right, they don't believe in cavemen and yet they believe McCan't will steal the election. Did someone let the crazies out of the psych ward ahead of schedule again?

Tell me, if I were to barge into your home and start screaming "Monkey Cheese! Monkey Cheese! Monkey Cheese!", wouldn't you think I was just a tad bit off? Same principle applies here, except because they're shouting the name of the country they've been defiling for almost thirty years (around the time when Heart's "Barracuda" was still playing on the air waves), it's suddenly okay to act like a complete idiot. Oh, and never mind that the true voices of America have something to say - you Goppers just follow your masters' wishes and drown out the truth, just like "Big Busher."

Here's some real "static" for you, McCan't: your campaign's momentum.

Well, it's official, comrades!

John McCain will be the next Republican presidential candidate to lose to a Democrat. I can't wait until November!

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

HYRTN: September 3rd, 2008

Welcome to the September 3rd edition of Have You RED The News? I still haven't quite gotten things where I want them and I've been very busy lately, so this will be an abbreviated edition.

1. New buttons on the convention floor


"Two new buttons have appeared on the floor:

One says "Super Huck" and has a picture of former GOP presidential candidate Mike Huckabee dressed as superman.

The other is a toast to Sarah Palin - it's a white button with a big pink heart surrounding her name.

UPDATE: Another new button spoted:

"The hottest VP from the coolest state"

Gee, Goppers, way to totally commodify your horrible candidate picks. The only thing "Super" about Mike Huckabee is that he's "Super" Annoying. His powers include appealing to morons, attempting to Christianize the nation, and trading blows with Mitt "Perpetual Greasy Hair" Romney.

And Sarah Palin? More like Sarah FAILING TO GARNER GOPPER SUPPORT. I'm definitely loving how she's created a complete "WTF moment" for Goppers everywhere. The only thing pink is going to be her and McCain's faces during the concession speech. And you wanna talk hot? How about how everyone is fuming over McCain's little "uh oh" pick? I can't speak for how cool Alaska is, but come on, look how far away it is from everyone else. It's like the weird kid in grade school who would always sit at his own table at lunch. Can't Canada just take Alaska off our hands already?

Why do people even bother to make these things? Isn't it obvious by now that America wants more than empty promises and political trickery? We want Change. We want Hope. And I think we all know who we really want for president.

(By the way, it's Obama, in case you've already forgotten.)

On the "N" Word and Rap Music


I recently got into an argument with a "black" friend of mine. He was listening to a song by the conscious artist Common called "The People." I doubt most of "the people" have actually heard this wonderfully powerful song, as the today's radio waves seem to be dominated by complete and utter mainstream crap, while the truly innovative and independent artists like Common are shut out completely from reaching listeners. Fortunately, there exists a hidden "underground hip-hop" scene that I've recently become a part of and it has really opened my ears to the genre. But more on that later.

At any rate, my black friend was listening to this beautiful song in the adjacent room, and I decided in order to demonstrate my "cred" to him I would "bust in" to his room and recite the upcoming verse, verbatim, so as to demonstrate my familiarity with the underground music scene. The verse goes like this:

"From Englewood to single hood in Botswana
I see the I in We, my nigga, yours is my drama
Standin' in front of the judge with no honor
Barack stick, knight, the people like Obama

This is, in my opinion, one of the most poignant parts of the entire song. It makes references to the plight of the third world, the corruption of America's court systems, and the hope that is guaranteed to all the people by Barack Obama.

But my black friend didn't even let me finish. As soon as I said a certain word, I think we all know what that word is, he started to yell at me, "Woah, woah! What did you just say?" as if I had just insulted his mother! He got up to turn the music down on his stereo and just stared at me for the longest time. I was speechless by his sudden, unprovoked rage. It was as if he had become an animal after my flesh.

After an awkward staring contest, he told me, "you can't say that word, Oceanus."

"What word are you talking about?" I asked him.

"The 'n' word, man, you can't say that word."

"Oh really, and why can't I say it?" I asked, without the slightest bit of sarcasm. I was genuinely interested as to why a simple word had made him so angry.

"Because, it has a historical context that's not very pleasant," he told me, as if I should have known all along.

"What are you talking about? Do you mean slavery?" I asked, suspecting that he was leading me on by now.

"It's more than just slavery, Oceanus. It's a hateful word and people who are in your position shouldn't say it."

"Well what makes me different from him [Common]? Why should he be able to say it while I can't?" It was a rhetorical question. I knew that I had trapped him in his own logic. Still, I wanted to hear what he had to say.

"When he says it, he's reappropriating the word for the black community. You're white, so when you say it it just comes off as racist."

I was absolutely speechless. First off, let's get one thing straight: I'm not racist. Hell I don't even know what race is. It's become such an obsolete way to label someone that I just try not to see it anymore. The last time racism was a huge problem was during the Civil War for crying out loud. Black people were slaves then, but now they're free and equal just like everybody else. Isn't that enough for them? Apparently not.

What really got me worked up is that he had the audacity to call me the racist when he was the one who was giving unfair treatment to a black person. Suddenly it's not cool for certain people to say things but cool for other people to say the same things? That's racism if I've seen it, which I have now.

If the "N" word is really such a big deal, why do black people continue to use it in their communities? I don't buy the "reappropriation" crap either. A word is a word; it doesn't change with the person who writes or speaks it. You know, we invented dictionaries to precisely combat this problem. If there's ever any question as to what a word means when someone says it, all one has to do is look it up. There's no hidden code or "cultural context" as far as I'm concerned. And even if there was, it's a damn word! It's not like I was publicly berating him with tar and feathers. If people don't stop getting worked up over stupid little things like words, we'll never be able to create a perfectly equal society. Evidently this is not something my black friend desires.

I didn't feel like arguing anymore because I could tell that his rage was making him invulnerable to intelligent discourse, so I excused myself and he turned his music back up. Now here's the real kicker: the song ended and guess what the next song to come on was?

"I'll Still Kill" from self-proclaimed gang banger and wealthy idiot king Curtis "Fiddy Cent" Jackson.

To think that my black friend could listen to this crap, and at the same time enjoy someone as wonderful as Common!

Let's get another thing straight: I don't listen to "rap." I think it's pure garbage, and as they say, you can't spell "crap" without "RAP." Or "EAR RAPE." This kind of "music" is all about "gang bangers" "trickin' hoes" "slangin' rock" and "getting thizzy." I can't believe these people get paid what they do to spread so much hate and ignorance to the world.

I do, however, listen to "hip-hop," which includes many conscious artists like Common, Mos Def, Talib Kweli, and Atmosphere (just to name a few). These artists talk about the real issues, not the petty life of thugs. It's truly a shame that they are horribly underrepresented in the mainstream media, because they are some of the most original, insightful, and inspiring people living today.

That my black friend could combine the two into his musical repertoire was truly astounding. I can't imagine what it must be like, listening to some of the most beautiful lyrics one moment and then the most ugly in another. Could he be mentally ill? It would certainly explain why he was calling me a racist.

I talked over this incident with several like-minded acquaintances and they all seemed to agree that my black friend was way out of line, and that his musical tastes were "questionable" at best. I haven't spoken with the guy since, and to be honest I don't really have any desire to talk to someone who has the nerve to insult me and then listen to garbage like 50 Cent as I walk out with some pride left in me.

Racism is only as bad as we let it be. If we all just forget about race and stop listening to garbage, we may yet see a world where everyone is indeed equal - and I'm talking class here people, because that's something that actually matters nowadays.

For shizzle, my nizzle.

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

HYRTN: September 2nd, 2008

Welcome to the inaugural edition of Have You RED The News?!, a daily segment in which I recap and offer my take on some of the day's hottest news items. As the witty title may suggest, I'll be taking a Communist approach when analyzing the important stories, but don't think that means I won't be objective either. The news is a sacred thing to me; something pure and untainted by corporatism - for the most part. Of course, there's "FAUX NEWS" who's trying to ruin it for everyone, with their sensationalist drivel and talking heads; thankfully there are still some respectable organizations out there, like my favorite, CNN (or as I affectionately refer to as "The Communist News Network"... hehe...), who still understand what journalism is.

I'm hoping that my insights will inspire you to watch the news for yourself, because there truly is nothing more intellectually stimulating (besides reading Marx) than sitting down after a long hard day, turning on CNN, and letting the information flow into your brain. Some of the smartest people in the world watch the news - from Larry King to Barack Obama to Seth Macfarlane (he's the creator of Family Guy and American Dad). You can join their ranks, just as I have; just put in a little effort every day. I guarantee that watching the news is a hell of a lot better than watching crap like The Hills.

1. Thompson Skewers Obama

fred thompson, news, obama, election

"ST PAUL (CNN) – Barack Obama is wholly untested and unprepared to be president, former Republican presidential candidate Fred Thompson said Tuesday — the most pointed criticisms yet of the Democratic presidential nominee delivered at the scaled-back GOP convention.

"Democrats present a history making nominee for president," Thompson told the cheering crowd. "History making in that he is the most liberal, most inexperienced nominee to ever run for president.

"Apparently they believe that he would match up well with the history making, Democrat controlled Congress," he continued in the prime-time speech. "History making because it's the least accomplished and most unpopular Congress in our nation's history."

Thompson, who abandoned his own presidential bid after poor showings in the first round of primaries early this year, also criticized the Illinois senator for comments at a recent faith forum during which he declined to say when he believed human life began.

"We need a president who doesn't think that the protection of the unborn or a newly born baby is above his pay grade," Thompson said in what was a clear reference to Obama's comments at a forum sponsored by Rick Warren last month.

Thompson faced criticism during his own presidential run when a YouTube clip of a 1994 Senate debate showed Thompson declaring, "The ultimate decision on abortion should be left with the woman and not the government."

It was also revealed Thompson once lobbied for an abortion-rights group."

Ouch. Can you say "busted"? I can in several different languages. Once again Fred "Didn't Win the Nomination" Thompson is attempting to appeal to his republican superiors by openly ripping on Barack Obama, one of the most effective, charismatic, and brave leaders in global history. What's this guy's deal anyway? First he says he supports abortion, and now he's criticizing Obama for doing the same? That, ladies and gentlemen, is the definition of a flip-flopper, which is something I thought only Democrats were capable of doing... NOT.

Thompson has no right to make such malicious remarks about Obama. Where does he get off calling him "the most inexperienced nominee to ever run for president"? Oh, so Obama hasn't spent his entire life in bed with private interests groups like so many other corrupt politicians. I guess you could call that "inexperienced." I call it "pure." This is just the kind of guy we need in the White House to really shake things up, and Thompson, just like every other Gopper is trying to taint the man's image. This just makes me sick.

What's even worse is that he's calling this Congress "the least accomplished and most unpopular Congress in our nation's history." Yeah, Congress has had a rough two years, and you know why? Because of Boo Dollar Sign H and his cronies keeping the honest Senators and Congressmen down. They're the ones who are always vetoing all those great bills and preventing anything from getting through. I'm sure Thompson has had a part in this too, and now he has the nerve to complain about his own dirty work? What's next, Thompson? Are you going to claim that the Democrats are an ineffective party because they've been out of the White House for the past eight years? Ball's in your court, Freddy.

2. For the GOP, Bush’s speech is mercifully short


"ST. PAUL, Minnesota (CNN) — For the Republicans, Bush’s speech was mercifully short. There was no opportunity for McCain and Bush to raise arms and give the Democrats another photo-op. And still no mention of the economy.

Memories of campaigns past: The camera just caught the first President Bush looking at his watch, just as he famously did during a presidential debate in 1992.

On to some pleasant memories for the crowd here: No Republican convention is complete without a Ronald Reagan ceremony of some kind, just as no Democratic convention is complete without a Kennedy ceremony. For the Republicans, 1980 is Year 1: the date history truly began."

Finally, someone else has the guts to criticize our "oh so infallible" leader. I couldn't agree more with Schneider. I didn't actually watch the speech - I've given up on listening to the lies that man has been telling us - but just look at the freakin' photo! Looks like the supplicants have gathered round "Big Busher" yet again, feeding off his lies and ignorance.

I wasn't surprised at all that the convention had a tribute to Reagan. After all, the Republicans have pretty much transformed the guy into a damn religious prophet (you'd think they'd be fine with just Jesus!). Of course they can all just conveniently forget all the horrible things the man has done for the countr - their fanaticism for an ordinary man is truly astounding. Last time I checked, politics wasn't about a pretty face (and I will give Reagan that - he was a damn handsome man) - it's about political action. When will these Goppers realize their own blasphemy and open their eyes to the travesty this man had brought to our economy? I'd sure like to "tear down the wall" of lies that the GOP has set up for itself.

3. RNC co-chair mistakes name of McCain's running mate


"ST. PAUL, Minnesota (CNN) – Republican National Committee co-chair Jo
Ann Davidson mistakenly referred to the party's presumptive vice-presidential candidate, Sarah Palin, as "Sarah Pawlenty" at the Republican National Convention Tuesday.

Palin, the governor of Alaska, was a surprise choice to join Sen. John McCain on the Republican ticket. Minnesota Gov. Tim Pawlenty had been considered one of the front-runners for the slot."

You can't make this stuff up, people! A true to life co-chair for the Republican National Committee doesn't even think that Palin is McCain's running mate - further proof that the two of them are going to get slammed by Hope come this November. You know, I kind of wish Governor Pawlenty was McCain's pick; at least then the competition would have seemed more interesting. I wonder what caused the slip of the tongue? I wouldn't be surprised if a "typo" in the teleprompter was the culprit. Afterall, Goppers love to regurgitate other people's words so much that most of them probably don't have an original thought left in their body. 'Tis truly a shame.

4. Palin is missed at party for abortion opponents


"ST. PAUL, Minnesota (CNN) – Sarah Palin had been scheduled to receive an award from the Republican National Coalition for Life on Tuesday to celebrate her opposition to abortion rights, but pulled out of the event last night, presumably to work on her vice presidential nomination speech.

Though many of the Republicans sipping wine and beer at the "Life of the Party" event knew that Palin's plans had changed, others were surprised and disappointed by the news.

Robert and Cam Carlson of Fairbanks, Alaska, each sporting red "Palin '06″ buttons from her gubernatorial race, understood Palin's last-minute cancellation.

"She's got a higher calling now," Robert said, referring to her much anticipated appearance at the convention on Wednesday night. The couple called to mind how they had shuttled Palin around Fairbanks in their car during the 2006 race, and gushed about her authenticity and down-to-earth demeanor.

Another anti-abortion advocate, Morton Blackwell of Arlington, Virginia, was asked if he was upset Palin couldn't make it.

"Yeah, but clearly she is working on the speech, its extremely important," he said. "I understand it. I'm not happy about it. They should have walked her in and out and let her wave and leave without talking."

Conservative activist Phyllis Schlafley, founder of the Republican National Coalition for Life, told the audience she was "very disappointed" Palin had to cancel. But she nevertheless commended the new running mate for energizing the party's grassroots.

"It is so exciting the way Sarah Palin has invigorated the Republican Party," Schlafley said. "All those people who were holding back and not sure, they're all excited to go to work and elect the McCain-Palin ticket this year."

Conservative radio host Laura Ingraham filled in for Palin."

Woah there, Palin, slow down! You aren't even vice president yet (HAH! Yeah, right.) and you're already flaking out on commitments? I hope you Goppers are happy with your candidate; she couldn't even take time out of her oh so busy schedule (Need I remind you that only a few months ago she didn't even know what a vice president did! You mean to tell me now all of a sudden she's "busy"? Not buying it, Goppers) to accept an award for setting back the Woman's Rights Movement by over two hundred years. Ever heard of a little thing called overpopulation? If America's breeders keep having children it won't be long before the little Goppers drain our national resources dry. Imagine walking through the desolate cold streets of a once noble metropolis, with discarded Gerber's cans and used diapers strewn across the sidewalk. Kinda makes you think about having a "bundle of joy" for yourself, doesn't it?

And of course let's not forget that Palin's daughter had sex out of wedlock and none of the Goppers are complaining about that. I guess they only care about "family values" when it's convenient for their cause. These "Fair Weather Fundies" are the worst - if you're going to have horrible opinions then at least be consistent. I can't stand people who aren't passionate about their beliefs.

Well, that's about it for now. Join me next time as I continue to critically engage the news stories that matter most.